Coupling Correction
Creates a coupling knob from current optics.
Perform coupling correction.
The functionality is based on the FineTuneCoupling scripts.
from typing import Tuple, Sequence, List
from cpymad.madx import Madx
from cpymad_lhc.general import get_coupling_knobs, get_tune_and_chroma_knobs
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def correct_coupling(madx: Madx, accel: str, sequence: str,
knobs_suffix: str = "", **kwargs):
""" Wrapper for coupling correction to use the default knob-names if not
otherwise given.
madx: Madx instance
accel: Accelerator we are using 'LHC' or 'HLLHC'
sequence: Sequence to use
knobs_suffix: Use suffix with knobs ( e.g. `_sq`)
Keyword Args:
Other arguments of `correct_coupling_with_knobs`
def check_knobs(knobs):
not_defined = [k for k in knobs if k not in madx.globals]
if len(not_defined):
raise KeyError(f"Knobs {not_defined} are not defined in sequence!")
knobs_dict = _get_default_knob_names(accel, sequence, suffix=knobs_suffix)
for knob_arg, knob_names in knobs_dict.items():
if knob_arg not in kwargs:
kwargs[knob_arg] = knob_names
correct_coupling_with_knobs(madx, sequence, **kwargs)
def correct_coupling_with_knobs(madx: Madx, sequence: str,
tune_knobs: List[str],
chroma_knobs: List[str],
coupling_knobs: List[str],
qx: float, qy: float, dqx: float, dqy: float,
iterations: int = 2, tolerance: float = 1e-7,
simplex: bool = False,
pre_estimation: bool = True,
match_tunes: bool = True,
""" Corrects coupling via the given knobs.
If there is no coupling, the tunes should be able to be matched
to the same factional tunes (mid-tunes). If there is a remaining tune split,
this is the closest tune approach (cta) and indicates the presence of
The algorithm is as follows:
First the coupling knob settings are estimated by a one-step newton
optimization (if `pre_estimate` is set).
Then the tune-knobs and the coupling knobs are used
alternatingly to match the tunes together. This is iterated according to the
desired `iteration` parameter.
Before and after this correction the cta is checked.
Remark: The first `twiss` call in the first `_analytical_minimization` call
is unneccessary as the nothing has changed between this one and the one in
`_cta_check`. Could be somehow checked for speed optimization.
madx: Madx instance
tune_knobs: names of elements/knobs to vary for tune matching
chroma_knobs: names of elements/knobs to vary for chroma matching:
coupling_knobs: names of elements/knobs to vary for coupling matching:
sequence: Sequence to use
qx: tune to match in x
qy: tune to match in y
dqx: chromaticity to match in x
dqy: chromaticity to match in y
tolerance: (final) tolerance for successfull matching
iterations: number of iterations in empirical matching
simplex: use simplex method in empirical matching
pre_estimation: use analytical method to estimate coupling-knob settings.
This will only work if the given coupling knobs correspond
to the imaginary and real part of F1001.
match_tunes: If true, also performs a tune and chroma match at the end,
otherwise, the original tune-knob values are recovered.
qx_mid, qy_mid = _get_middle_tunes(qx, qy)
tune_knobs_saved = {k: madx.globals[k] for k in tune_knobs}
cta = _cta_check(madx, sequence, tune_knobs, qx_mid, qy_mid,
tolerance=tolerance * 10 ** iterations,
text="Initial closest tune approach")
if cta <= tolerance:
LOG.info("Coupling already below tolerance. Skipping correction.")
for k, val in tune_knobs_saved.items():
madx.globals[k] = val
if pre_estimation:
for knob in coupling_knobs:
_analytical_minimization(madx, sequence, knob)
_empirical_minimization(madx, sequence,
tune_knobs, coupling_knobs,
iterations, qx_mid, qy_mid, tolerance, simplex)
_cta_check(madx, sequence, tune_knobs, qx_mid, qy_mid,
text="Final closest tune approach")
if match_tunes:
_recover_tunes(madx, sequence, tune_knobs, chroma_knobs,
qx=qx, qy=qy, dqx=dqx, dqy=dqy)
for k, val in tune_knobs_saved.items():
madx.globals[k] = val
# Algorithm Steps --------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_middle_tunes(qx: float, qy: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
""" Get the tunes with the factional part in the middle
between the qx and qy fractional parts, but with the same integer part. """
qx_frac, qy_frac = qx % 1, qy % 1
qmid_frac = 0.5 * (qx_frac + qy_frac)
qx_mid = int(qx) + qmid_frac
qy_mid = int(qy) + qmid_frac
return qx_mid, qy_mid
def _get_default_knob_names(accel: str, sequence: str, suffix: str = "") -> dict:
""" Get tune, chroma and coupling knobs. """
tune_chroma_knobs = list(get_tune_and_chroma_knobs(accel, int(sequence[-1]), suffix=suffix))
coupling_knobs = list(get_coupling_knobs(accel, int(sequence[-1]), suffix=suffix))
return dict(tune_knobs=tune_chroma_knobs[:2],
def _analytical_minimization(madx: Madx, sequence: str, knob: str):
""" Analytical Minimization. """
init_value = madx.globals[knob]
cta = _get_current_tune_approach(madx, sequence)
madx.globals[knob] = init_value + 0.5 * cta
cta_plus = _get_current_tune_approach(madx, sequence)
madx.globals[knob] = init_value - 0.5 * cta
cta_minus = _get_current_tune_approach(madx, sequence)
new_value = init_value + 0.5 * (cta_minus**2 - cta_plus**2) / cta
LOG.debug(f"Knob {knob} updated: {init_value} -> {new_value}.")
madx.globals[knob] = new_value
def _empirical_minimization(madx: Madx, sequence: str,
tune_knobs: Sequence[str], coupling_knobs: Sequence[str],
iterations: int, qx_mid: float, qy_mid: float,
tolerance: float, simplex: bool):
""" Push tunes together by alternative matching of tune and coupling knobs. """
calls_tune = 100 * (1+simplex)
calls_coupling = 150 * (1+simplex)
step = 1e-9
for idx in range(iterations):
current_tol = tolerance * 10**(iterations-idx-1) # ends at final tolerance
madx, sequence, tune_knobs,
q1=qx_mid, q2=qy_mid,
step=step, calls=calls_tune,
# simplex=simplex, # simplex is only used with coupling knobs
madx, sequence, coupling_knobs,
q1=qx_mid, q2=qy_mid,
step=step, calls=calls_coupling,
def _recover_tunes(madx: Madx, sequence: str, tune_knobs: List[str], chroma_knobs: List[str],
qx: float, qy: float, dqx: float, dqy: float):
""" Recover Tunes (i.e. normal tune matching) """
# match_tune(madx, accel, sequence, qx=qx, qy=qy, dqx=dqx, dqy=dqy)
madx, sequence, tune_knobs,
q1=qx, q2=qy,
step=1e-7, calls=100, tolerance=1e-21
madx, sequence, chroma_knobs,
dq1=dqx, dq2=dqy,
step=1e-7, calls=100, tolerance=1e-21
madx, sequence, tune_knobs+chroma_knobs,
q1=qx, q2=qy, dq1=dqx, dq2=dqy,
step=1e-7, calls=100, tolerance=1e-21
# Closest Tune Approach --------------------------------------------------------
def _cta_check(madx, sequence, tune_knobs, qx_mid, qy_mid, tolerance, text):
""" Try to match tunes and log closest tune approach. """
match(madx, sequence, tune_knobs,
q1=qx_mid, q2=qy_mid, step=1e-9, calls=100, tolerance=tolerance)
cta = _get_current_tune_approach(madx, sequence)
LOG.info(f"{text}: {cta}")
return cta
def _get_current_tune_approach(madx: Madx, sequence: str) -> float:
""" Get the current tune approach in the sequence. """
qx, qy = madx.table.twiss.summary.q1, madx.table.twiss.summary.q2
cta = _get_tune_approach_value(qx, qy)
LOG.debug(f"Current tune approach value: {cta}")
return cta
def _get_tune_approach_value(qx: float, qy: float) -> float:
""" Calculate the (fractional) tune approach of qx and qy. """
tune_split = int(qx) - int(qy)
return abs(qx - qy - tune_split)
# General Matching function ----------------------------------------------------
def match(madx: Madx, sequence: str, knobs: Sequence[str],
step: float = 1e-7, tolerance: float = 1e-21, calls: float = 100,
chrom=False, simplex=False, **kwargs):
""" Match the `knobs` to the settings in `kwargs`.
madx: Madx instance
sequence: Sequence to use
knobs: Sequence of variables to match
chrom: use the `chrom` flag in match
step: step size to vary knob
calls: number of varying calls
tolerance: (final) tolerance for successfull matching
Keyword Args:
Arguments for the MAD-X `global` command to be matched at,
e.g. `q1=`, `dqy=` etc.
LOG.info(f"Matching knobs '{', '.join(knobs)}' for sequence '{sequence}'.")
madx.command.global_(sequence=sequence, **kwargs)
for name in knobs:
madx.command.vary(name=name, step=step)
if simplex:
madx.command.simplex(calls=calls, tolerance=tolerance)
madx.command.lmdif(calls=calls, tolerance=tolerance)
# Other Approaches